Make Your Relationships Less Transactional


July 9, 2024

You do the job.I pay you. Unfortunately, that is the give and take we have become accustomed to. While it’s true that “we’ve always done it that way,” it’s time to evolve with the realization that your team wants more than just performance-based rewards.

We are Social Creatures

Being connected and “tribal” is deeply rooted in our biology and psychology. It is essential for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As leaders, you must stretch yourself beyond operations and maintaining facilities and embrace an authentic culture of excellence.

Get your key people together and break the ice, get to know one another personally, and then discuss the challenges you face in your role.Recently, I facilitated one of these sessions with a team that had been together for ten years plus, and I was amazed at how little they knew about each other or their roles. There were many takeaways following our three hours together focused on enhanced communication, accountability, respect, and support. This set the baseline for what was next, including training in personal development skills, problem-solving, and a conversation about the company mission and how those words could turn into positive actions. Today, that team meets monthly to strengthen camaraderie around a specific topic, such as emotional intelligence, shared vision, and values, or an activity that assists their professional development, like public speaking training, time management, and conflict resolution.

Empower Employees to Reach Their Potential

Provide opportunities for growth in a non-judgmental environment. Invite them to conferences followed by a team dinner where, as a group, you discuss what they learned and liked and how it can help them. This simple interaction allows them to feel heard and to be a part of something bigger. Encourage employee feedback on activities and provide mentoring in every layer of your organization so that you have people ready to step in if someone leaves.

While many of us never grew up with the work-life balance and were thrilled just to have a job. Today’s employee wants more and deserves it. Promoting flexible scheduling, wellness programs, and encouraging time off can help employees recharge and stay motivated. A team that wants to be with you is more productive and creative. They experience a feeling of genuine trust, which is the foundation for collaboration and a willingness to go the extra mile.

Start small.Volunteer in the community for a couple of hours, show them you are more than just their boss but a leader and a regular person looking to make a difference.Remember, not everything is give and take. Give not to get but to make a difference, and the desired results will come.